Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wow another week already has gone by! how crazy! Literally this week went by so quickly so I cant even imagine how fast the mission is going to go by in a few months. This week we had quite a few good activities and things that helped the week go by quickly. So on tuesday we had the baptism of Alba (I will try to send some pictures= It was so neat. I feel like I made a little more of a difference in helping Alba to be baptized then I did with Kevin since i didnt teach kevin much before his baptism so it was neat for me. She was a little nervous at first I think. After the baptism though all the people there were congratulating her and giving her hugs while she was sitting in her chair...and after most of the people were done her husband who was sitting behind her gave her a hug from behind she just started crying. Her husband isnt a member but we hope to eventuallyto teach him. But it was neat. Also before the baptism we were asking her little girl if she wanted to be baptized, she is only 7, and she said no.....but after the baptism i asked her again and she was like yeah i want to be baptized when im 8! haha it was cute. One of the other times we visited with them later in the week we were playing jacks with alba and her little girl, it was fun. Thursday we had another multizona so that was absolutely great! I really love multizonas, and i wish we had them more often. They just remotivated me and help me to work hard. and always seem to help me with the things im struggling with. Thursday night when we got back to our area, because the multizonas are at the mission office, we had a talent show night with the ward. It was super fun and it just reminded me how much this church is centered in families and I wish that more people could enjoy the blessings of the gospel with their families. Friday was super fun because hermana hunter who came here the same time as me, came with us for the whole day because her companions are sister training leaders and they had a meeting. That day was just super fun and I want to have more days like that where we have fun but also work hard. We contacted some girls in the street who were jump roping and we played with them for a minute or two. It was great. Ive mentioned the familia Trejo, Rene Trejo and Isabel Trejo. Our ward mission leader and cook. But Hno Trejo got realized as ward mission leader and I am SO sad. Plus Hna trejo is having a baby in like a month so we dont know how much longer she will be our cook. But they literally are our parents here. Yesterday they were just giving us advice and I always feel better after i leave their house. I really cant explain how grateful I am for them, and I wish I could express it more to them...I always say thanks and stuff, but I dont think they understand just how much they mean to me. I have had kind of a stressful week though. Im struggling balancing the stresses. I feel so stressed about the area and our investigators, and also stressed that im not becoming the missionary I want to be, or that im not learning to be the right kind of missionary, or stressing with the language always, or stressing about not knowing the lessons well enough. I know I need to be patient, so its just hard to deal with all of the stress. But Im learning. I try to just take it one day at a time. My spanish the past two days has struggled. Generally ive done pretty well understanding people. But Saturday and sunday for some reason i just feel like I wasnt understanding anything. its so discouraging. But yesterday i bore my testimony in church and Hno Trejo later was telling me how great my spanish was and how fluent it sounded and also another member we ate dinner with was saying how beautiful my spanish was. Literally those two comments were answered prayers to help me feel better about the language. I honestly cant even explain to strength I have received through prayer here in the mission. It is incredible how weak and inadequate I feel. But with Gods help, somehow I am doing it. I am so grateful for prayer. Our area really needs new investigators. It is really difficult to find new people. Tons of people here are catholic or evangelic and that is part of why im really stressed about the area, because im just learning but yet we need to step it up. I dont know. Also Im trying to have experiences where I follow the spirit, but i have to admit dad that i havent had many experiences yet where I felt like we have really followed the spirit. I am trying to work on that more because I know that it is only through the spirit that we will find new people. It was great to hear from you all again and I am so grateful for your support and your emails. I cant even explain how much it means to me. I love you all and thanks for your prayers as always. next week will come fast! Hermana Groneman

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