Thursday, November 14, 2013

Transfer week

Wow I cannot believe that I have made it through my first six weeks here in El Salvador! How crazy! Cambios are in two days (on wednesday) and we dont know what is happening yet. We were supposed to find out this morning...but then for some reason they are waiting until tomorrow night to tell us. I dont think that anything is going to change for me or my companion but you never know. My companion has been here for almost six months now... but I think she will finish my twelve week training before she gets switched. This week went by super quick again. So for Pday there arent really a ton of like tourist sites to see so we usually just kind of hang out around the city, sometimes shop around, just whatever. We write at different times so it just depends on what time our district gets assigned. Last week we wrote super early and afterwards we went to an area called Ataco. It is seriously SO beautiful there. I guess that is like the dream place to serve for all of the hermanas, or i guess at least in this zone. It is more touristy with the shops, but it is just really pretty and also the city is just really calm. I bought a few things, but not much. I tried to remind myself i have my whole mission to buy stuff haha. but that was the first time i had been around a touristy area. This week we got to teach some English classes. It was SO SO SO weird to be in a place where i was supposed to be speaking english. I kept wanting to speak in spanish and my spanglish was just weird. It was funny. I dont know if we will keep going to the English classes or not, but it was kind of fun. So like last week I think i mentioned I was quite stressed about areas because I felt like we didnt have people to teach and we needed to find nuevos investigadores. So this week we went out into a different part of our area that we hadnt contacted before. I dont know why we waiting until now to go out into that area, but im glad we did. The problem with this area is we cant go there at night because there isnt a lot of a light out in that area and its kind of dangerous, so we can only work there in the afternoons. But it is out of the city and out in the field and it is SO gorgeous in that area. I dont think i have really said much about beautiful it is here in El Salvador, but it really is. Literally so beautiful and so green! Anyways but I really like being out in the country area of our area. And the people are much more receptive out there. we found quite a few new investigators out there. That really helped this week and I really enjoyed working out in that area. I dont think I have talked much about Dia de Reposo, but keeping the sabbath day holy is really a big problem with the people we teach here. Basically at least half or three fourths of the people you talk to either own a small store out of their home, work somewhere in the city, or make pupupsas or torillas out of their homes. So it is really hard for people to accept that. yesterday was probably the best day out of the whole week. This weekend was stake conference here in ahuachapan. They had a special meeting yesterday from 9 to 10 for recent converts or investigators. We had 5 investigators in church which was really great! Also guess who i saw at the stake conference. President and hermana Peterson! I talked to them for a little and they took a picture with me! So maybe she will send it to you on facebook dad. Anyways after church we headed out to the far part in our area and we had a lesson with a woman named Yessenia and her daughter Dayana who is 8. They were a referral from people in our ward and they came to church yesterday. But we hadnt taught them yet. But when we taught them yesterday we learned that she has talked with the missionaries many times and almost was baptized but for some reason she didnt. But yesterday we invited her to baptism and with a baptismal date and both her and her daughter accepted. I think it helps that her daughter is now 8 so they can baptized together. They were both super positive and we are going to work a lot with them this week. Also after that we went and visited a woman named Ana who we knocked her door the other day. She hasnt really talked with the missionaries before but she has heard a lot about mormons. She is evangelic but she really is interested in learning about mormons. She was quite positive. and she has two boys one who is 8. So we are going to work with her a lot this week too. one of the other investigators who came to church yesterday is named william. His wife wasnt very interested because she already goes to a church, but he was and we are hoping to work with them too. So anyways yesterday was just full of great things that happened. And Im really glad we are starting to find some new people to work with. Alba is doing great still. We had a Noche de Hogar at her house last week, and it was great to see her kind of direct the night at her house and have her share her testimony. It is really great to see her at the church activities. Tonight we are going to her house and we are going to make pupusas!!! Im super excited! Im still trying to work more on following the spirit. I really want to be a missionary who works through the spirit and it is something im working on. I felt like we had some good experiences knowing which doors to knock this week. We do work with the members, but I want to continue working with them more. One thing we have been doing is going to members house and showing them these videos and then reminding them of Elder ballards invitation at conference to share your testimony with one person before christmas and also to kneel in prayer with the missionaries. i really have a strong testimony with kneeling in prayer and fasting with the members. I truly believe that is how we had the two baptisms we have had in this area. So i invite you to invite the missionaries over to the house and kneel in prayer with them for their investigators. Also to share your testimony with one person before Christmas. I love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers as always! Hermana Groneman

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