Friday, October 3, 2014

Tres Leches

Hola Familia, Its been quite a different week. Lots has changed...but a lot hasnt changed at the same time. Well you are all wondering what happened with my companion so I`ll start by updating you on that. Monday we went to the office and Hermana Castro talked with President and made the decision to go home. I basically knew she wasnt going to change her mind. After I was able to talk with President Spjut a little bit. He really is so amazing. He was assuring me that it wasnt my fault and that I am a good missionary. It was comforting just to be able to talk to him and express how I felt about the whole situation. He also gave me a blessing that I felt really helped. He told me he wants me to train again...but asked how i felt about that and we both agreed that maybe this next change wouldnt be the best...and so most likely he basically told me what he thinks he has planned for me (obviously things can change) but the plan is that this change ill leave this area to go learn a new area from another missionary and then I will end my last two changes training. I think that all sounds pretty good. Its so crazy to think i only have 3 changes left basically. Time really is flying. So anyways hermana castro was with me until wednesday and then wednesday presidente spjut and hermana spjut were here working with the other missionaries in our area and when the left to head back to the office they took hermana castro and i stayed with the other hermanas in our area. So now im in a trio! normally i didnt really like the idea of a trio...but im with 2 other for the first time in the mission i have gringa comps. I love hermana alvarado (from utah and has 11 months in the mission) and hermana lucero (from colorado and has 1 year in the mission). Its been a blast these last few days. It is so nice to be working normal again. Working with people who love the people and want to work. They are great and its been so fun. We call ourselves the "Tres leches". Also its been good because I have a lot more time in this area then them so Ive been able to help them know where are some of the members and inactives and such. We are trying to visit both of our investigators....but we are going to end up dropping a lot of the investigators that I had...we mostly work with their investigators...but thats okay. In church I had a special moment when I was up on the stand playing piano and after I just looked out and it was so great to see all of the lives I have helped here in this ward. This really is my area of miracles. To look out and see the members ive strengthened...all of my converts...Like rosa and her daughter who is less active who now comes a lot...also Carlos chafoya who brought his wife again this week....and of course Julio who is famous here in this area and all the people who have seen him change....and people like Manuel Mejia (who still hasnt been baptized but we are working with him to get married so he can be baptized) but i know ive done my part with him. Its just a great feeling. I love these people. Im excited to work hard with the hermanas this week...and especially because of general conference!!!! I AM SO EXCITED. i really love conference and its something that really helps our investigators. Also saturday night we were able to view the womens conference. It was really great. Mom I also loved how much they talked about the temple and I cant wait to be able to go more when i get home. Also i loved when they showed the video from the little kids in asia who were singing. Anyways things are really great here. I love the mission even though there are always difficulties and such. I love all of you and im so grateful for all of you. THanks for all the pictures that you guys send because I love getting the pictures! Love ya! Hermana Groneman

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