Sunday, October 26, 2014


CAMBIOS!!! well I know you are all waiting to here what happened with cambios so i guess ill let you know. Ive been assigned to work in the are of Metapan with my companion Hermana Bustos. She is 20 and she is from Nicaragua. She just finished her training so she has like 3 months. She is super great and im really excited to be with her. She is a great teacher and a super hard worker. I think ill probably only be with her from 6 weeks if i end up finishing my mission training...but Im really excited to be with her. Metapan is HUGE. and SO BEAUTIFUL. and also its probably the hottest area in our theres that. There are 6 missionaries here in the area and its just one ward. The capilla is super small. It doesnt have benches or anything and it doesnt have a piano (i know sad right?) and the attendance is about 100 apparently. The thing is Metapan is SUPER FAR AWAY from everything. We have to go in a bus for 1 1/2 hours just to get to our zone meetings on thursday and also to write on mondays. so yeah. But Metapan has everything. Its like provo. Its a big city...but maybe not THE big city. Our area is the whole city and all of the outskirt city yeah ill never get to the limits of our city. But i love it. There is a really pretty city park and everything. The only thing is the members live really seperated so we do A LOT of walking. But yeah. Also it is a lot more calm and a lot less dangerous than thats good. Anyways i´ll be able to tell you more next week cause ya ive only had a few days here. Honestly its been crazy having cambios. Cambios are hard to be honest. It is hard to come to a new area and not know anything or anyone and you want to help your companion but you dont know anyone to visit or the investigators or members. But im excited. It was SO hard to leave Atiquizaya. I remember when I got to atiquizaya and i didnt think it would be that hard to leave...but i definitely learned to love the people. It was SO hard to leave especially Rosa and Julio. Im going to miss my converts so much and the members. Ive got a few videos of julio saying his last words to me so you´ll be able to watch them when I get home. When i said goodbye to Rosa she just stood their crying. it was a touching moment I will never forget. This week i was reading in Jacob 5 and I was thinking a lot about missionary work. I love in Jacob 5 when it talks about how the Lord will send his servants for the last time to work with all their heart in the vineyard. I know that that is talking about these last days...but this time when I was reading it I was thinking about this being my last area. Im almost sure its going to be my last area...and honestly its been kind of hard to think about. I know this is my last time to work with all my heart and make a difference. This area has a lot of potencial. The time is going by so fast and it makes me sad. Well I feel like i had a million things i wanted to tell you guys but i dont know. I was going to say that We live in a house of 4 so thats fun. Our house isnt super great buts its not bad at all. we only have water in the mornings though so the 4 of us have to shower in the morning. also hermana garbett is my sister training leader so im SUPER excited because when we do intercambios with the leaders ill get to be with her!!! thats the closest we´ll ever get to being comps. Also it was crazy because so many of my good friends in the mission went home this cambio. it was so sad to see all of them leave! but its part of the mission. Also about the earthquake hahaha. The earthquake happened i think it was monday night. I was still in atiquizaya with Hermana Alvarado and hermana lucero. hermana lucero was showering and me and hermana alvarado were just sitting at the table talking and the earthquake started....and it wasnt super strong and first and we just kind of sat there looking at each other...and then it kept going and we were like "uhh...should we do something?"....and then it kept going so we went to the doorway...and eventually it was super super strong that anything fell down or anything but it was really long and it was weird to think what if it didnt stop. But yeah it was cool to be in an earthquake. Also we are going to the temple on the 28th!!! YAY!!!! Anyways the mission is basically the best thing ever. I am SO tired every day but i absolutely love it. Im so blessed to be here. Its amazing the feeling i have every day waking up and being a representative of Christ. In the mission we have been working about talking with EVERYONE and especially in buses. You guys have no idea how the buses are here...but they are like yellow school buses and they are beyond PACKED with people....and its incredible the feeling to get to stand up in the bus and talk to everyone that is there. Most of the people just stare at us...and especially me ...thinking who is this gringa talking to us...but even though the majority of the time no one is interested...I feel amazing to know that I am preaching this gospel to everyone i can. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for your support. I LOVE YOU ALL. Im so grateful for this gospel. Until next week! Hermana Groneman

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