Sunday, September 14, 2014

I'm a Trainer

Hola Familia, Wow well this week we had cambios and they arent called changes for nothing. I feel like so much has changed! First off it was quite interesting to say goodbye to hermana lezama. It was such a weird feeling to watch her go home. She was pretty strong will all of the goodbyes..not gonna like i was tearing up some of the time...just thinking about when i am going to have to say goodbye. But im really happy for her the she completed her mission and all is well. All of our investigators and recent converts really have missed her and I miss her too. Wednesday we went to the reunion de cambios and i received my new comp! My "daughter" is Hermana Castro and she is from Costa Rica! My first comp that isnt from honduras or guatemala haha. She is 19 and Im really excited to be training her. Its so so much different to be training. These past few days really have made me realize how much Ive grown, changed, and improved as a missionary. I cant even really remember how I felt the first few days but its made me realize how much I have improved as a missionary. She thinks I know so much and she thinks im so good at talking with people in the streets and with everyone (hahahah). But she is so nervous and she thinks she doesnt know enough but i just keep telling her it all comes little by little. Im just making sure to be really loving and complimenting her to help her feel at home. I hope I can be a good trainer for her and that I can help her learn correctly. Its been a really tiring week and its a lot different then when I was working with hermana lezama because we both knew what was going on with everything but Im glad to have the opportunity to train and see Hermana Castro grow. Julio was really sad that hermana lezama left but this is what his words were when I presented Hermana Castro for the first time: "yo estaba orando con mi padre celestial para que el me envia una otra angelita para visitarme" (I was praying to my heavenly father just asking him to send me another angel to visit me). hahaha oh julio is the best. Speaking of Julio he walked to church on friday for the mutual ( here they have mutual for all of the different organizations not just the youth) and on sunday to church he walked all on his own. That makes me feel really good because one of my biggest worries was that he would have troubling remembering to go to church on his own when we didnt pass for him. This week we didnt have anyone who came to church. I was pretty upset about that. Manuel always comes on his own and then Carlos´s wife didnt go...but this week i hope we can help them to go. I really want to focus on finding new people too. But all is well here. Its a lot different but I know im going to learn a lot training. I love the mission and i love all that im learning. I love the people and i love this gospel. Thanks for all of your support and emails and love! Thanks for all of the pictures of the Utah Football. Cheer loud for me at all the games. Mom im glad you were able to go to michelles bridal shower. Make sure when you go to her wedding to take pictures to send me! Also im really excited you are serving in young womens!! thats awesome! Sorry i didnt send pictures again....but its because i dont have a connecting cord..but im going to buy one today i promise and next week ill have pictures! Love you all! Hermana Groneman

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