Tuesday, May 27, 2014


hola familia, well another week has come and gone and i feel like this week has been pretty crazy. We had a lot of activities going on this week so there were a lot of great experiencies, but with lots of activities there was less time to work, so this week will be back to normal. So Tuesday we got to go to the temple!!!! so yeah you could say i was pretty happy. Like ive always said i absolutely love the temple and i love the overwhelming spirit that i feel right when you enter. Especially here because the streets here are so loud and it is so nice to be in a place with silence for a little. I felt like the temple trip was so quick and its sad i´ll have to wait to go again for probably another like 6 months. We went with our zone so that was good. And I saw hermana peterson in the temple but not presidente peterson. After the session a few of the missionaries wanted to see the sealing room. It was neat to walk in there and think of the Familia Orellana and the special experience when they were sealed. That really was an experience that strengthened my testimony and something i wont forget. Anyways then on wednesday we had a multizona so that was great! I love multizonas! I always learn so so much during the mutlizonas. We were with 2 other zones. I was able to see Hermana Estevez (she was asking how is the fam and all) and also some of the hermanas who were in my district before in my mission. There was one moment espeically that i loved, President Cordon was talking about us being set apart as missionaries and he talked about when he was a stake presidente and had the opportunity to set apart missionaries. It made me remember a little of when I was set apart.....but what really hit me was when he also talked about when the missionaries are released and when he shared the words that they use to release a missionary the whole room was completely silent....that really hit me. How weird will that feel to be released as a missionary and it made me really think a lot about how i dont want that moment to come. I only have 9 months now and the time is going to fly. Anyways the multizona was really great. Then on thursday we had intercambios with the sister training leaders. Hermana Flores stayed here in the area and I went to the other area in chalchuapa. SUPER different that area. It is all residenciales so all of the houses are the same and there are streets and everything....its a lot different. I guess thats a lot of what santa ana is like too....maybe one day ill be more in the city but maybe not. Anyways, intercambios are always great, its great to learn from the hermana leaders and i love talking with the investigators of other missionaries. Its great to see that people really are searching for the truth . And this was probably the most memorable intercambio because it POURED rain. sheets of rain. We are now in the rain season. I didnt have my rain jacket with me but i had a capa (poncho) that i had bought with me. But i let the member who was with us borrow it because she didnt have anything. So yeah we got soaked!. I dont really mind getting soaked...but the rain is just a hassle because of our scriptures and books in our backpacks always have to be in bags and protected and stuff. But yeah the rain in the streets this day was literally up to our knees! we were walking in a river! there was a motortaxi that we tried to take but it could only go like 1 block and then it couldnt move so we had to get out and push it in the rain haha. And best of all.......i fell in the rain. TWICE. I havent falled once in the mission up to this moment and then in this day i fell twice. But your not really a missionary if you havent fallen once in your mission ... so yeah it was great haha. But the truth is i like the rain because its better then the heat. Anyways then friday was a normal day and then on saturday we had the baptism of jasmin. She was a little nervous but really excited too. I love seeing the people all in white before their baptism. The member who always brings her to church baptized her so it was a great experience. Her mom ( who is less active) also came, and i hope that we can start to work more with her to help her come back to church, but we´ll see what happens. Other than that we didnt have any investigators in church this week, we had quite a few who were committed to come....but we´ll just have to keep working. I love the mission. It is so incredible the way that I am growing every day. Sometimes i feel so uncapable but in some way i am able to do it. I only hope that i can help more people. The people here really have so many problems in their lives, but i know that it is the gospel that will help them. I hope you guys have an amazing week and i guess its almost the start of summer so i hope all is well! Until next week! Love you, Hermana Groneman

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