Sunday, June 8, 2014


Happy summer to all of you back at home!
Its super weird to think that it is summer for all of you at home! Wow the time is flying by, can´t believe that it is already june.

Well i really dont know what im going to tell you this week. I feel like the week went by really quickly and sometimes its hard to remember what happened...i need to go back to making a little list each week of the things to tell you.

So this week we didnt have an investigators at church...again. so that was disappointing. I get so frustrated when the people say they are going to go and then they dont go...especially when they are just sleeping. Also the rain...during the week the rain is our friends because the people let us come into their houses....but on sunday no. because they dont want to leave their houses to go to church. But hopefully this week will be better.

So we are still working with Xiomara and her husband. I dont know what is going to happen because carlos still hasnt started any process to divorce his other wife....and xiomara cant really progress until that happens. Its a difficult situation because really the best thing they could do would be to seperate right now for a little and then later when they can get married get back together...but i dont know what to do to be honest. But xiomara´s mom lives with them and we are teaching her now and she likes everything we are maybe we are going to work with her first. Also xiomara´s son michael LOVES the church. He is 8 and he loves when we come over and apparently he was crying on sunday because he wanted to go church but his mom wasnt going to go. So we are thinking of maybe working towards baptizing michael and xiomara´s mom at the same time and then later we can see what happens with xiomara.
I dont know if i told you about our investigator Rosa. She is an older lady and her daughters are members and she receiving the missionaries before but she was asisting another church then. Now she isnt asisting a church and we have been working with her....she is just a little hesitant...BUT this week she found out she has cancer. So now she is going to start treatments and its going to be hard for her to come to church for her schedule and everything. But we are hoping this difficult time can help her to recognize how important it is that she receives the gospel now. Its pretty heartbreaking. I feel like ive been around lots of people in my mission with cancer...and its hard.
Also we had an experience with an investigator Margarita this week. She is a younger mother and her husband doesnt like the church but he is never home. But anyways we have taught her quite a few times but she hasnt gone to the church (because of her husband) but we werent really sure if she was progressing a lot or if she has a lot of desires to keep learning. So we had an appointment with her and then plan was to see how she is with desires to keep learning and if not we were going to drop her as an investigators. We were pretty sure we were going to drop her... but then during the lesson she said that she talked with her husband and told him that she wants to go to the church, but he says no. He says that she can listen to us but that she cant go to the church. But she told us that she wants to keep learning and she feels like she has always just done what he says and so now she want make some decesions. We were so surprised that she had the courage to talk him. So we are going to keep working with her and we are going to see what happens.

So that is a little about some of our investigators that we have right now. We have others but they are newer investigators. We are still working hard and i am hoping with can keep working hard so that we can have a lot of success in June.

I dont have a lot more to tell you...all is well here. Lots of rain. But i love the rain. it is so so so much better than the sun. in my opinion.

Hows it going with the missionaries at home? are you still working with them? and are you guys studying preach my gospel?

Anyways love you all so so much! Enjoy summertime!

Hermana Groneman

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