Monday, October 21, 2013

Familia y amigos, Well Im happy to report that it has been a much better week. I really have a strong testimony of prayer this week. Not only were my prayers answered, but also I have felt your prayers. Every single day. Literally I don´t think I had one moment of homesickness this whole week (well maybe when I opened up emails this week a little bit) but honestly homesickness wasn´t distracting me this week and I was able to have a really great week. So thank you to every single one of you and your prayers. It really strengthens me to feel your prayers. Im sorry if my email last week was a little discouraging...maybe I shouldn´t write home sad emails...but thats how I was feeling last week. Also thank you to all who sent me encouraging emails. It meant a lot to me. So this week. Literally went by so quickly. and it was great. Tuesday we had one of the sister training leaders, Hermana Harris, come with us for the day and I loved that. She is from Salt Lake and she has about a 1 year into the mission. It was great to talk to her and she is a great example to me. Her spanish is amazing!!! literally sometimes people think she is latina. I hope one day I am as good as her at spanish. Wednesday was probably the best day of the entire week. We had to travel to San Salvador to do our paperwork for our visas and guess who i saw!? HERMANA GARBETT! Literally I dont think I have ever had such a great reunion hug with someone in my life. The minute I walked into the door of the office building and saw her we immiedately hugged and I was crying and blah blah blah but seriously it was the greatest moment in the whole week. Hermana Garbett and I are seriously going to be friends forever and I am so grateful for example in my life and her strength and love. She is doing great and we were talking how we only hope that one day we could somehow be companions again. Although that probably wont happen because hardly ever are two north americans companions together. But anyways that day was so great because I got to spend probably at least half of the day talking with her. Oh and we got wendys!!! This week we also had some really great things happen with our investigators. We are having a baptism this week! Kevin is 15 and I didnt really teach him much. He was mostly taught by Hermana Estevez and her last companion, but this week we happened to pass by his house and his mom was there too and we decided to ask her for her permission that he could be baptized (She wouldnt get permission earlier) and she decided to let him! I guess it really is a miracle for Hermana Estevez. We have been reviewing the lessons with him. So I dont know its not really my baptism but I guess it is cause Im in the area and we still have been teaching him. Also Alba Alvarez is progressing. She and her daughter came to church this week and also we had a really neat lesson with her this week. She said last week when she understands baptisms for the dead then she will be baptized. This week we had a lesson with her in the church with the zone leaders and then at the end our mission leader came in when the zone leaders left. At the end of the lesson we asked her to pray for a specific date for baptism. I couldnt really understand the prayer very well because of the spanish and there were fans on in the room so I couldnt hear very well. But I have never heard a more sincere prayer and by the end we were all crying. She didnt really necessarily accept the date for baptism but she wants to be baptized. I am really excited for her and I hope she continues to progress. Hopefully in the next few weeks she will be baptized. We also have a few other investigators but some of them arent really progressing. The familia Lopez is great, Dalia is our main focus, but she isnt coming to church so we dont know what is happening. Her sister Kathering (which by the way get on my FB and accept her friend request) is a recent convert, I could totally see her becoming a missionary one day. Anyways I love that family, they are always joking around with us. To answer some of your questions. We have district and zone conferences every thursday at the stake center. We also write here at the stake center. Except this week i think is a multi zone conference. We wake up at 6am every a half hour earlier than most missionaries. Also Pday ends at 5pm which is an hour earlier as well. For christmas....hmmm. Mom I would love another dress or two or a skirt or something. I like my clothes here...but they are kind of too nice for this area and I would like something that could get a little more dirty haha. Or also I would like some church music on a CD or something (like the music on the website). Other than that idk. Im wondering if I should get another memory card for my camera in case one gets lost or if I should get a thumbdrive I can save my pictures. I dont know I will think more for next week. Thanks everyone for all of the birthday wishes!! It is also our ward missionary leaders birthday so Im sure we will be doing something...and I know I will be taken care of here! I think that is basically everything. Really thank you so much for your advice. All of you. Sorry I dont have much time to write you all personally but know that I love you all. Thank you again for your prayers. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be out here in El Salvador. I know that nothing is going to help me become a better person than a mission. I know sometimes I get a little frustrated with myself because I know what kind of missionary I want to be...but I need to be patient with myself. Love you all! Someone go to Red Lobster and eat crab for me for my birthday! haha Hermana Groneman

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