Well family its march...ITS MARCH??
I remember thinking in my first month ....wow when its february i´ll finally feel like i can communicate well and ill finally have the hang of things, but that seemed so so so far away, but now its already march! so crazy the time.
Well these week was blazing hot. I know im going to regret saying this, but i cant wait for the rain in may. I dont know...maybe ill feel differently later, but i cant wait until its pouring rain. Right now i would rather be drenched in the rain then dying the hot sun every day. haha. but we´ll see.
Well i have had enough time here that im pretty used to the culture. But i dont know this week i was reminded really how blessed we have it. Im pretty used to sitting on dirt floors or rocks or in houses made of tarpes or cardboad or tin sometimes (not always...but lots of times). But wow this week with a lot of our members, investigadores, and menos activos we have been talking with them and it is incredible how they still feel like they need to be more humble when they dont even have water in their houses and they have to walk a few blocks just to bring water to their houses. I was talking with Hermana Garbett, and it is almost disgusting how nice we have it at home. Im always reminded of this in my time here, but more this week.
Anyways this week was a little better, still dont have many investigadores, but we are working, and we found quite a few new investigators this week, the problems is they hardly ever are there when we go back for a second visit. But hopefully this week. We had plans to contact a lot of references with the members this week, and every single plan fell through. PLEASE work with the missionaries. I know lives are busy at home and you have other things to do, but literally in these days we cant do it without the members, and when the people dont accept dont give up working with the missionaries, because one day someone will accept, and the most important is that you can plant seeds. Keep me updated on what happens more with Toby in the ward and how things are going with the missionaries at home.
This week in church David Calderon came again :) he is progressing...just slowly. I dont know if i told you but i guess years and years ago him and Alba had baptismal dates with missionaries and the day before they decided not to be baptized and the missionaries were super sad (obviously) and i think David is scared for this to happen again, because he wants to be baptized but he is just scared to put a date. But this week it was great, we were verifying with him if he read and he pulled out his scriptures and was asking us questions and alba had her scriptures and their daughter magali had a book of mormon and all of us were searching in the scriptures. I just felt how their family is going to be a strong family in the church studying their scriptures together. I also gave magali one of the book of mormon picture books. I know that david is going to be baptized, i dont know if i will be here when it happens or not, but i know one day. And really that just makes me so happy, because i decided to serve a mission because of the happiness the gospel has brought to our family and i only want that other families can feel the same, and its amazing how i can imagine their family together. The only thing is like i have explained its really hard for their family right now because albas mom has cancer and they are super busy taking care of her. Alba has missed a few weeks of church because she has to take care of her mom. Its sad because i know she feels really sad and guilty..and yeah she needs to go to church but she has an acceptable reason, the most important thing is she wants to go and she would go if she could.
Also Sabina Pimentel came for the first time! I dont remember if i have told you guys about her, but we have been teaching her for a few weeks. She has two little kids and her husband lives in the states. Every week she has had these excuses why she could go (the baby was sick, they werent at home...) so i was worried we were going to lose her, but she went and i hope she will progress. She really likes every thing we´ve taught, but she hasnt really received an answer if this is all true or not. This week we are going to focus on her testimony de el libro de mormon. I hope that will help her, because she says when she knows its true, she´ll be baptized.
Really im so grateful to be here. Its so hard sometimes during the hot days when im so tired, but my testimony is strengthened every day and its incredible the small miracles that we can see every day. I know that God is answering my prayers in every moment.
Anyways i hope that this week is good for you all. Its crazy to think whats going on in all of your lives. I cant believe how big Adelyn is!! i loved the pictures. And its crazy to think ryan is going to be graduating. And colby and janelle are going to be moving!! how weird! But i love you all so so so much! Thanks for your emails every week.
Love you all so much!
Hermana Groneman
These are pics of our new house, its basically the same inside, but it atleast has some color and i feel a little more like im in a home haha also its super funny because a member (hermano freddy) lives in front and he is always checking up on us to make sure all is okay, hes like our grandpa haha
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