Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hola familia, well this week...was a little difficult to be honest. I really am having fun here i promise and really i love it here in El Salvador. We are always laughing in the streets and there are plenty of good things. Its just hard to remember the little funny things, or hard to explain the little funny things haha. I guess ill start off with my companion. I am still so so happy to be with Hermana Salguero. She is so great. I love her because she is super funny and fun, but in a mature way so its great. And she likes to work hard and has a lot of faith. It has been great to teach with her, and I have felt the spirit so much in our lessons together, even when the people dont accept I still feel the spirit and our testimonies are growing. Hermana Salguero really wants to learn english and i have been helping her a lot with that, its so neat to see her desire to use the time and opportunity to learn english even when its hard, because a lot of the other latino missionaries dont always really care. But its adorable to see her practice. She is trying to help me learn how to roll my r´s because i still cant. So basically we are always walking around the the calles making weird sounds haha. Im proud that this week we had a lot more lessons then we have had other weeks. I have never had so many lessons in my mission and we are working hard like i want to. It feels so good at the end of the day to know that we are teaching lots of people. Lots of the people arent really positive or interested, but our purpose is to share this message with them and if they dont accept thats not our fault plus we are planting lots of seeds. I had an experience this week when we were teaching this guy who had talked with missionaries a lot when he was younger. He had doubts about the libro de mormon and all of that and we taught the restauracion to him...and at one point he was talking and saying that Yeah yeah i know this is what you guys believe and...stuff like that. and in that moment i just realize and told him..this is not what i believe....but this is what i know. I know that joseph smith really was a prophet called of God and that through him the church was restored. This moment he didnt accept or anything, but my testimony was strengthed. And thats the thing....maybe im not having lots of baptisms right now, but my testimony is being strengthened every single day. and Im planting seeds in the hearts of these people. The frustrating parts of this week is that we didnt have any investigators in church yesterday. I cant tell you how upset i was because we had several persons commited to go. But when we passed for them in the morning they werent there or one her baby was sick, and david calderon didnt go because him and alba are really busy taking care of albas mom who has cancer. I was so disappointed. And to make things better before the meeting started they told us it was our week to give talks. So yeah i didnt have anytime to prepare anything...which normally at home yeah i could probably do something, but just with all the stress of the morning and in spanish and everything i was just so overwhelmed. My talk ended up fine. I have talked like 4 or 5 times in the ward already, but i felt so overwhelmed. Its just so disappointing when im trying my hardest and we arent have success with our investigators. We have Eloisa and Marcos, David Calderon, and Nilson (joven) who all have the assistencias and could be baptized...but its their choice. I really am just praying for a miracle for Eloisa and Marcos and David Calderon still....and a miracle that we can find some new people to teach or a new family. We have two investigators Sabina Pimentel and Carla Sanchez. Both are around 23 years old or something and they are both really postive. They both said they were going to come to church but didnt come this week. But sabina loves everything and she want to be baptized and wants to change her life so that her kids can grow up in the truth. And carla we had a lesson with her and we kneeled in prayer at the end of the lesson and she asked if Joseph Smith really was a prophet and she received her answer in that moment. it is so neat to see investigators ask for themselves and receive these answers that this is the truth. I think she has problems with some of the commandments maybe...but we´ll see. I hope both of them can progress. Really I love the mission. This week has just been a little difficult. Its been a different feeling that i have had this week. Im so exhausted at night that it makes me feel a little said. But I know that God knows im working hard and i know he will help me to have success and find these people who are ready to accept this gospel. But I could use some prayers this week to stay positive and to have the strength to deal with this stress. I love you all so so so so much and im glad it sounds like you all had a good valentines day. Not much valentines here, but a little bit. Its going into the hot months here..i dont really know how it could get hotter..but yeah. I love you all and the time is flying! this week i have 6 months in the mission...super raro pero estoy super agradecida por este opportunidad. Hermana Groneman These pictures are of Eloisa and Marcos, My new companion Hermana Salguero, and me washing my clothes...just to remind you to be grateful for how much we are blessed in the US

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