Thursday, November 6, 2014

Many Mini Miracles

Hola familia, Well another week in Metapan. I guess now that im getting to know the area i can tell you a little more. Practically all my area is city. There are areas that are out in the country in the outskirt towns but we dont really ever work there so im all in the city. A lot different because my other areas didnt have as much city. But i like it. Also something way different is there are actually some really nice houses here. Its so weird to me to see some big houses because in my other areas there were hardly any big houses...but there are some here with two floors and everything. Also its nice because a lot of people here actually have dvd players and tvs so we can watch movies which is my other areas we weren´t always able to do that. A lot of the people here have set jobs so thats a little different but im still loving this area. This week was a little stressful to be honest...but something that I´ve learned about the mission is that God always gives us just enough miracles to help us make it through the week. I know that He knows me and my needs and He is aware of what I´m going through. Mostly this week was stressful because we were supposed to have a wedding and a baptism yesterday of the Famila Torres. They already had their baptismal date planned when I got here but I´ve always felt a little hesitant. Obviously I want everyone to come unto Christ and be baptized...but when they are ready to make this covenant and stay faithful. I´ve felt very cautious about the whole thing because I feel really worried that they are going to go inactive right after they got baptized. But obviously im not gonna come into the area and say they arent ready because i dont know them as well. But this whole week a lot of the members were against the wedding/baptism because they hardly know the family and such. and there were a lot of problems with the planning and I just felt really stressed about everything. Before I went to bed Saturday night I just prayed that if they were ready and that if sunday was the right day that everything would turn out right....but if they werent ready that something would happen so we could plan a better date for when they are ready to be active members.....Then on sunday morning the husband didnt show up to church and that was going to be his 3rd attendance. But because he didnt show up he couldnt be baptized so we had to cancel the baptism and the wedding. Honestly i was really sad because especially the hermana was really excited....BUT i knew that there was a reason that it happened and i know that there is a reason that all along i have felt hesitant about the whole situation. We are still working with them so that they can be baptized in the future. But Im hoping we can help them be ready to make this commitment so that they will always remain faithful members of the church. Its kind of a hard situation to explain but yeah. This week also there was a big carnival in metapan. SO many people in the city park and such. It reminded me a lot of art city days. So that was fun to see. But also it made it a hard week for us to work with the members. BUT this week on tuesday we went to the temple!!! I love the temple here and im sad that was mostly likely my last time. I got to see hermana peterson! i thought they had already left but nope! Anyways the temple was great and it really helps to strengthen us spiritually. Im so grateful for temples. Some miracles this week were just small things. Like when all of our plans fall through and we say a prayer and someone lets us in to share a small message. Or small things like that. Also this week late at night we contacted a family in the street and they said we could go visit them the next day. When we went to visit them they were ready for us. We got to know them a little and at the beginning of the lesson we asked if there was anything specifically that they wanted us to ask for them in the prayer and the hermana said she wanted us to pray so that they could find what church is the true church. I knew in that moment that this family was prepared for us. Later when we were talking with them they told us that they always pray as a couple (they are a little older but they dont have any kids) and that they have been to several churches but they dont like them....then she told us a little about their lifestyle haha (she likes to talk a lot) and she went off talking about what they eat and their diet and how they dont drink coffee ,) hahaha i just couldnt help but smile the whole time. We have an appointment to visit them tomorrow and im excited to see them progress. Anyways thats basically it. Sorry if it was very scattered my email. But anyways life is good here. I can´t believe its already november! But i hope all is good at home. I love you all so so so much! Hermana Groneman

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