Hola famila,
Well I feel like I have a lot to say this week but I dont have much time. It has been a hard week. One of the most stressful weeks of my mission...but this whole week I have been thinking of the scripture in Matt 11:28-30 - Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest in your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Well the week started out pretty good...but as the week went on my comp has been struggling. Which is normal as a new missionary. Something I just wasnt prepared for as a trainer is I was always thinking what I would need to do to help me new missionary know that she really can do it (because most of the time the new missionaries feel like they just cant do it)...but something i wasnt prepared for is that she just doesnt want to do it. She doesnt want to be here. At the beginning of the week she struggled and wanted to call presidente but we talked things through and we were able to continue..but she continued to want to call him to tell him she wanted to go home. Saturday morning she finally called him and he talked to her. There were moments when she just didnt want to leave the house and she just doesnt want to be here. Ive tried helping her to realize she can rely on the atonement and how many people need her here and that its not easy but its worth it...but today after we write we are heading to the office and she is going to talk to president. I really have no idea what is going to happen. I hope that she can make it through and stay because there are people who need her and the mission is something that will change her life.
Its been hard on me. I have never had a more tiring week...but yet somehow I have felt a strange peace in my heart. And its because of this scripture. I know that Christ is carrying me in every moment. Although there are so many things i need to do and so much on my mind he has brought me peace. My first priority right now is helping her to stay in the mission...then after that helping her to learn how to become a missionary...and then last on my mind is what is happening with our investigators in our area. Presidente Spjut has been really great. In the days we´ve talked to him on the phone he has assured me that im not alone and not to take it personally. Im really grateful for presidente spjut. He is so loving and kind and he is a great president. Right now im just not really sure what is going to happen...whatever happens is going to be tough...but ill let you know what happens next week.
BUT although its been a tough week. I have realized something really important. There have been many times in my mission where I havent really felt like I have changed much...but this week i realized I have changed. Ive realized how much my heart is in this work and how I really do understand the importance of the gospel and sharing it with everyone. I have realized how much i really rely on the atonement every day and how much i feel in debt to the Lord for his sacrifice and how all I want to do is thank him. As I talked with my comp during the week and as I was trying to help her understand what is more important I realized how much I have changed and I am so grateful for the mission. I am so grateful for every moment. The mission isnt beautiful for all of the beautiful experiences. It is beautiful because of all of the hard moments....its beautiful because somehow we make through. Somehow the lord helps us to keep going when we are tired and no one wants to listen and our bodies hurt and we are far from home.
I know that this is the work of the Lord. I know that He is helping me in every moment. I know that this is the true church without a doubt in my heart. I know that Christ atoned for my sins and he has felt every hard moment in my life. And that brings me happiness. I am so happy hear. I am so happy that I have had such a hard week. I am so happy to be here struggling every day. Because I have this gospel and it is a privilege to share it with others.
Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for everything. Ill update you more about our investigators next week.
Hermana Groneman
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