Sunday, September 28, 2014
Muddy Shoes
Well another week has passed. Im sure you are all waiting to hear what has happened. I really dont have much to tell you this week so sorry if the letter is short.
So last monday we went to the office so that my comp could have her interview with presidente spjut. She has the interview with him and everything and still wanted to she called her stake president and he is the one who got her to stay for atleast 2 more weeks. Last monday I was able to talk a lot with Presidente Spjut and Hermana Spjut when we were in the office. Presidente spjut told me that he felt like she had already made up her mind basically. But then when her stake president got her to stay he just told me that we will see what happens.
So then we had this week and I knew it would be hard but I was trying to do my best. President told me to try and be really fun for her...and the thing is is the fun part of the mission is the missionary work. If you dont like visiting the people and doing the work then I dont know how to make it more fun. In all my time with my comp I have tried to visit the members to help encourage her (especially the members who are returned missionaries because they always tell great stories) but the thing is she just doesnt like the work so there isnt much I can do. Anyways then tuesday turns out we got sick. haha yep my third time having parasites. (but dont worry it hasnt been that bad this time with the medicine and Ive already finished taking the medicine). But that really didnt hel p my comp because she was sick too. I was just thinking really does this have to happen? Im trying to help her like the mission and getting sick wasnt going to help anything. So then during the week I was trying to encourage her to feel more at home (for example unpack a little or put some pictures or quotes up on the wall) or something to help her feel a little better and she basically told me she already had her mind made up and that she was just waiting for the two weeks like she told her stake president. The hermana leaders also came and visited with her to encourage her...but after i asked if what they said helped and she said she could listen to them...but no. So yeah saturday night she called president and told him she didnt want to wait another week today after we write we are going again to the office to talk to him. Im almost positive she is going home. So yeah its been an interesting week. Ill be honest I have felt really alone. Not in like Im depressed way...but its just so hard when you are the only one who actually has their mind working in the area. But God has really given me small miracles and most of all I know He knows what Im going through and I know that He knows the desire of my heart is to help the people. So yeah I have no idea what is going to happen to me or my area or what not but I know that all will work out well.
A part from all of that I wanted to share some funny/good things that happened this week. So first on tuesday I had to go to san salvador for my ID renovation and I got to go with Hermana Garbett and Hermana Murray (they both came with me to the mission at the same time). It was great to be with them. I love the hermanas i came with and its so weird to think that it was like a year ago when I went the first time to san salvador and I saw hermana garbett and was so happy to see her ( i dont know if you remember that but it was the first time i saw her here in the field). The time is just going by SO fast. It scares me to be honest.
During the week we had a visit from Elder Ochoa and it was a great mutlizona. I really felt the spirit strongly and he helped us to understand that we have to find the people prepared and chosen who are ready. THat we have to have the faith to drop the people that arent prepared and the God will help us find those who are ready. The REALLY funny thing this day was important so everyone wanted to look their best for Elder Ochoa....and guess who forgot their nametag. Yep me. First time in my whole misson and i forgot my name tag. My whole zone was making fun of me for it but it was pretty funny. But honestly it was the worst. I felt so empty without it and I didnt want to make any comments during the conference because i didnt feel worthy without my nametag hahaha. no but its a funny moment and i was the joke of our whole zone.
Also yesterday it rained a little and after church and our meetings with the bishop we headed out with a member to contact a referral. I didnt now where his friend lived but it was SO far. We went to a part of our area I had never been to and we were walking through jungle and the road was pure mud. My shoes were caked and my legs were so dirty after haha. But the family that he took us to received us very well. I dont know if they will be super super positive because they live so far away from the church...but they dont attend a church and they seem like a really unified family. And they have never talked with the missionaries. So at least we can plant a seed and I hope we can help them. That was really a small miracle for me yesterday. But i was said i didnt have my camera yesterday in my backpack because really it was complete jungle style and there were several times i got stuck in the mud haha.
Anyways thats basically all. I hope you all know that I really love the mission. It is the best thing that has happened to me in my life. As Ive been trying to help my comp I have realized how much love i have for these people. It is incredible. The people here that I love honestly are people I never would have imagined myself talking to before. It really is amazing to see how we can love people like Christ loved. There is no exception of people and every person needs this gospel.
Thanks for your emails. I love hearing from all of you. Im so glad that everything is going well at home. Our family really has always been blessed...but I know its because of our obedience to the commandments and our faithfulness to this gospel.
Love you all and ill let you know next week what happens
Hermana Groneman
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
I'm a Trainer
Hola Familia,
Wow well this week we had cambios and they arent called changes for nothing. I feel like so much has changed!
First off it was quite interesting to say goodbye to hermana lezama. It was such a weird feeling to watch her go home. She was pretty strong will all of the goodbyes..not gonna like i was tearing up some of the time...just thinking about when i am going to have to say goodbye. But im really happy for her the she completed her mission and all is well. All of our investigators and recent converts really have missed her and I miss her too.
Wednesday we went to the reunion de cambios and i received my new comp! My "daughter" is Hermana Castro and she is from Costa Rica! My first comp that isnt from honduras or guatemala haha. She is 19 and Im really excited to be training her. Its so so much different to be training. These past few days really have made me realize how much Ive grown, changed, and improved as a missionary. I cant even really remember how I felt the first few days but its made me realize how much I have improved as a missionary. She thinks I know so much and she thinks im so good at talking with people in the streets and with everyone (hahahah). But she is so nervous and she thinks she doesnt know enough but i just keep telling her it all comes little by little. Im just making sure to be really loving and complimenting her to help her feel at home. I hope I can be a good trainer for her and that I can help her learn correctly. Its been a really tiring week and its a lot different then when I was working with hermana lezama because we both knew what was going on with everything but Im glad to have the opportunity to train and see Hermana Castro grow. Julio was really sad that hermana lezama left but this is what his words were when I presented Hermana Castro for the first time: "yo estaba orando con mi padre celestial para que el me envia una otra angelita para visitarme" (I was praying to my heavenly father just asking him to send me another angel to visit me). hahaha oh julio is the best.
Speaking of Julio he walked to church on friday for the mutual ( here they have mutual for all of the different organizations not just the youth) and on sunday to church he walked all on his own. That makes me feel really good because one of my biggest worries was that he would have troubling remembering to go to church on his own when we didnt pass for him.
This week we didnt have anyone who came to church. I was pretty upset about that. Manuel always comes on his own and then Carlos´s wife didnt go...but this week i hope we can help them to go. I really want to focus on finding new people too.
But all is well here. Its a lot different but I know im going to learn a lot training.
I love the mission and i love all that im learning. I love the people and i love this gospel.
Thanks for all of your support and emails and love!
Thanks for all of the pictures of the Utah Football. Cheer loud for me at all the games. Mom im glad you were able to go to michelles bridal shower. Make sure when you go to her wedding to take pictures to send me! Also im really excited you are serving in young womens!! thats awesome!
Sorry i didnt send pictures again....but its because i dont have a connecting cord..but im going to buy one today i promise and next week ill have pictures!
Love you all!
Hermana Groneman
Thursday, September 4, 2014
New Apartment
Hola Familia,
Well its been a pretty great week. I can´t believe its the last week of hermana lezama. It is so weird to me to think about ending the mission. Its so crazy to me, but Im really happy that we have been able to end her last two weeks with baptisms.
So yeah Julio was baptized yesterday!!! It really was a great baptism. He was so happy and excited for it. During the week it was super funny he was stressing out about the baptismal clothes. We told him that we were going to be in charge of the clothes so he didnt have to worry so he told us his sizes but then the next day he was all worried because actually he told us the wrong size. But all was well haha. Julio has a lot of really great friends in the ward and neighbors so i really hope that can keep supporting him. The bishop has a lot of good desires to make sure they do everything they need to to support Julio. Really Julio will be a convert that I never forget. Honestly i have had such special moments with each of my investigators, but from Julio I have learned about miracles and the love of Christ. I will never forget the simple lesson that I have learned from him that if we want to be happy we have to live the gospel.. Its that simple. Also im pretty sure Julio is my favorite investigator because he saved me from a drunk guy in the street this week haha. This drunk guy was following me and Julio came up "HEY!" and then shewed him away and then walked in the house of the member and was like "este bolo es loco" haha. Super funny to see that in the street if you see the way that julio walks and everything.
Also Carlos Chafoya was confirmed yesterday and his wife came to church with him so im really excited about that! she told hermana lezama that she wants us to come by her house tonight to talk to we´ll see what that means! im super excited that she came. We havent taught her a ton but we hope to teach her mom in this week and help her prepare to be baptized in september.
Also Manuel Mejia came to church again. he is great and has tons of friends in the church. This week we are going to talk to his wife to see if they can get married. But she attends another church so yeah.
Anyways SO....i have to tell you that we just got the call in this moment and im going to be training!! So yep im gonna receive a brand new missionary on wednesday in the changes meeting. Everyone was telling me I was going to train. Im pretty excited to be honest but i know its going to be super stressful...I just hope that we can keep having success still. We have a few people who im excited to keep helping teach but i just hope that we can keep finding new people. Thats always the most stressful. But yeah im super excited! Tomorrow I have a meeting for the trainers. In the zone there are a few people who have changes, but the other gringa hermana in our ward (hermana lucero) is staying so thats great, our district leader has changes too. But elder thorpe is staying here in the zone too so thats cool.
But yeah so this week will be pretty crazy im pretty sure. We´ll see who i get as a companion, but im excited!
Love you all so much! Thanks for all your support and keep me updated on things at home! send me some pics of your trip to zion or whatever
Hermana Groneman
Un ano en la mission
Hola familia,
I have SO much to tell you guys this week and i dont think im going to have time to tell you everything!
First off, on tuesday morning we moved houses and i dont have pictures of our new house but next week for sure ill send you the pics. It is so so nice to come home at night to a house where I actually feel like i can be at home and rest. Really i think that i am now receiving the blessing for my patience i had in my first house. My first house was super chafa (awful) and now im finally receiving the blessings. The shower still has freezing cold water so that doesnt change, but we have cabnets in the kitchen and the toilet actually flushes! and the floor is super clean that i would feel comfortable eating off it haha. Its because its a brand new house and no one has ever lived in it before. but yeah pictures next week.
Also this week we had interviews with President Spjut. Wow i love president and hermana spjut. They really are so amazing and so loving. The interview was really great and i feel like i can share whatever i want with him. Truth is im really happy right now in my mission so it wasnt like i needed encouragement or anything but all is well.
Anyways now update about our investigators:
Carlos Chafoya: WAS BAPTIZED YESTERDAY!!! yeah super awesome. So on monday we had a noche de hogar with Hno William and we watched the movie Finding Faith in Christ. Carlos really loved it. He had tears in his eyes and everything. After the movie we talked a lot about Christ and his sacrifice for us and how we have to exercise our faith and follow his example. We talked about baptism and he said he thinks he would be ready to be baptized on sunday. The thing was he wasnt exactly sure...he knew he wanted to be baptized but he wasnt sure if he could on sunday but then we told him that he had to have an interview before his baptism so if he was thinking about sunday he needed to have an interview during the week. So during the week the zone leaders interviewed him and he said he wanted to be baptized on sunday. We planned it all and after the stake conference on sunday night we had his baptism. It was really great. A lot of his good friends in the ward came and also his wife came. We are going to start working with his wife because carlos really really wants his wife to come to church with him. Something really neat was that Hno William told us that Carlos had told him that sunday he was out in the corn field before his baptism and i guess he just knelt down in prayer in the middle of the corn fields and made a promise with God that he was going to be baptized that day. During all of the process of Carlos he had a few moments of doubt and didnt think he would keep going, but really the spirit worked through him in his whole process. Im so happy for him and im so grateful for William who gave us his name as the referral.
Julio Casarez: So yeah this whole week i was torn about when we should baptized julio. When i had my interview with president spjut i was asking him what i should do and he told me that ill just know what i should do. But on friday our district leader did his baptismal interview and says that there isnt any problem about why he could be baptized. Then sunday after the stake conference julio had an interview with our bishop. THe bishop before was really hesitant about him being baptized because he had only see him...But after the interview he said that there is no problem in him being baptized and the bishop is really willing to keep supporting him after his baptism. So he probably is going to be baptized this weekend. Tonight we are going to watch finding faith in christ with him and talk about blessing and the priesthood and we are going to have him receive a blessing so that he can get walking better and recover from all of the side affects. He actually has over 6 months to leave his addiction.
Manuel Mejia: He came to stake conference, We are just working with him to get married. But he is great. We hope in september with him. Apparently we found out that his mom died yesterday. Manuel is pretty old so i imagine his mom was pretty old but its still sad. But we are planning to review the plan of salvation with him and maybe that can keep motivating him.
Rose: she is going to be on vacation for 2 weeks so we will go back to visit her in two weeks.
Anyways thats basically all of the news for this week. This week me and my comp really are going to focus on finding new people to teach so that we can have more people for september. my comp has like 10 days thats crazy. We are just enjoying our last weeks and im glad that her last two weeks in the mission we are baptizing so thats great!
I love you all so much! Keep helping out the missionaries and i hope all is well.
Cheer on those Utes for me this week!
Hermana Groneman
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