Sunday, April 20, 2014

General Conference

Hey fam,
I can´t believe that another conference session has come and gone. Its so crazy to think that the last conference session was my first week here and now another six months has passed. The time goes by so so so quickly.
Well first off, i love conference as usual! We got to attend all of the sessions in the stake center. But unlike the last conference, this time i was watching in español. I understood all of it, but it wasnt the same because normally there are always those certain phrases that i love to write down, but it was a little harder in spanish, but better than anything i was really able to listen to the spirit and what i needed to hear. My favorite session was the Sunday Morning session, i dont know if i really had a favorite talk but i learned a lot about the atonement and i felt the spirit very strongly. In the morning with my companion when we were walking around in the streets we were both just thinking "the people just dont understand that a prophet is going to talk to us today!" to be honest its kind of frustrating to think that the people dont realize how blessed we are to have a prophet and the apostles to guide us in these days. We had several investigators in the conferences...some of them were old investigators who werent really progressing...but maybe something in conference will have touched their hearts.
One of our investigators who went, Sonya, really enjoyed the conference. I dont know if i talked about her in my last letter but i feel major deja vu in her house. We have developed a great relationship with her. she says everytime she prays to know what church is true she thinks in the first vision so we told her that that is her answer. But anyways she received the missionaries like 10 years ago and she asisted the church for like 1 year. But then she stopped going because she had some problems with commandments and such. But anyways she went to the conference and we told her if she could come back for the second session that she should, but she just told us she didnt know if she could but she would then in the afternoon on sunday...she came back AND she brought her sister! haha it was so great. She the people outside are so confused, they think that you mormons only believe in joseph smith..but really you guys believe in Christ and all of this is about Christ. Its great to have people actually understand. Anyways im excited to work with her more.
We have some other investigators too that im excited to work with but we will see. I dont have a ton of time to give a lot of details but ill keep you updated. We have one investigator who i taught my first weeks in the area but she was very positive, and now she is super interested...but she got sick this weekend so she couldnt go to the conference. But her boyfriend is a missionary and she was thinking about changing religions and she wants learn a lot more. And we have some youth that we arent teaching but we have been waiting for permission for their parents for like 6 months now and they might be baptized in abril but we will see.
Anyways its been a good week. We´ve been chased by dogs a few times..haha. i have a belief that satan has power over dogs...i bet that the positive people are always the people who have dogs in front of their houses that we have to skip haha...We also worked with the Fam Gonzalez this wee as the family missionary. They were great. Their oldest daughter is almost 18 and she wants to serve a mission and her mom is nervous to have her go but really excited too. THey are a great family. This week we are going to work with the Familia Orellana. They are one of my favorite families here in the ward so im excited for that.
Things are good. Thank you so much for your prayers. You all are always in my prayers too. Im so grateful for this experience and the opportunity to be a missionary. It is so incredible the experiences i have to defend the truth and share the gospel with the people here.
Until next week...ill try to send pics next week because today in the morning we went on a hike to la laguna verde en apaneca. And IM SUNBURNT haha
Con todo mi amor,
Hermana Groneman

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