Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hola familia, This cambio went by super super super quickly. We only have this week and then the next wednesday is cambios again. I really have no idea at all what is going to happen. I dont feel like im going to leave, but at the same time i have quite a few cambios here so maybe...but i dont think so...but then again sometimes it is what you dont think is going to happen. I dont think i will know by next week if i will have cambios because usually we find out tuesday morning. So in two weeks you´ll know. Im going to be really sad if i leave the area because of all the people here. This week not much really exciting has happened that I can think of or remember. Its still been super super hot. Sometimes I dont know how i get through the day with the heat but I do. I´ll have to try your tip dad. If i had time to take a shower 5 times a day i would. Right now im loving the cold water showers haha. This week everything went fine with elections but they still dont know exactly with the count so the next two days we still have to be careful, but i havent experienced anything dangerous in my time here. The attendance of church was down because of elections, but that was expected. Sabina Pimentel didnt go to church so i was pretty disappointed with that, but she left for the weekend. But David Calderon went. He is so close to having a baptismal date. The last week he told us he loves how in the church people can get up and say that they know that this is true and he said he want to be able to feel that. he says he feels 75% sure. He believe in everything...but he wants to know. We are working with him little by little, but he has progressed a ton since when we first started teaching him. What was really great was both Alba and David were there. Alba has missed church recentely because of her mom with cancer and its been really hard on her to be missing church but she was able to go to sacrament meeting and it was great they were there together. Also Alba told me something interesting this week, that i guess when we were teaching her she was also receiving the Testigos de Jehovah! haha i was in shock because i didnt know that at all, and she always had these questions about what they believed and stuff. super funny to me. Alba is so great. The other day she was saying how it has been different for her that Hermana Estevez left and how she feels like hermana estevez is her family. I know that she knows i feel the same about her, but sometimes i wish i could express more to her and the family how much they mean to me. But they are great. Also one quick short experience i wanted to share. a few weeks back we found this woman knocking doors and we shared the plan of salvation for her. She really really liked it and was interested in it. She attends another church though. Anyways later we went back another day and her husband opened the door and he was very standoffish but he let us in to talk to his wife. we didnt have a lot of time so we shared a mormon message video about fathers and how God is our heavenly father. The video really must have touched his heart because after that he was much more open to talk. Then this week we had an appointment with them. I was super nervous because we planned to teach the Restoration leccion 1 and i figured that they were probably going to drop us or something because they already have their religion or whatever, but it was exactly the opposite. The dad was super super interested and has lots of questions about the book of mormon. The mom told us she had talked to her friends at her church and they were telling her that we say all of these weird things like worship joseph smith and all of the other things they usually say but she told them, no i really like all that they have been teaching me. anyways it was pretty neat. We´ll see where they go, but this week we are hoping to comprometerles a la iglesia. This week is stake conference so there are some good opportunities. Basically thats all i really have to say this week. It was kind of a tough week but we´re just working like we can. We´ll see how this week goes. I loved hearing about all of the missionary work at home in the ward. That literally makes me so so so happy. Keep me updated on that because i love it. Dad we only are assigned to one ward and we only work in the ward just so you know. Its a lot different than utah. If i could ask one thing of you guys it would be to make time to go to the temple this week or the next. a lot of times im not really homesick for home, but homesick for the temple haha. It definitely was a blessing that i was able to go so much before the mission, but at the same time I REALLY miss being able to go whenever i wanted. ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JANELLE THIS WEEK!!! I love you a ton and i hope all is well. Im sure that colby will make it a special day :) Love you all so much! Hermana Groneman

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