Monday, January 27, 2014

A visit from Elder Cook

Hey family, Well i have a little more time to write today haha. im sorry about last week but ya there wasnt anything i could do. I still dont have a ton of time so i dont think i will have time to send pictures because i would rather spend more time writing. but i promise in one of these days i will send some pictures. Welp this week has been a little dificult. Im still happy, but just disappointments of missionary work. Ill start off with Eloisa and Marcos. In regards to my subject line, you could say im heartbroken. The last email i didnt have time to explain but Eloisa the last week finally received a really strong answer that she needed to be baptized. Originally she said after her husband she would be baptized, but after we said a prayer she was crying and said she wanted to be baptized the same day as him. And all was amazing and happy and great. Then later in the week was when we found out that they werent actually married. They have been living together for like 28 years or we began to talk to them about getting married and how we could prepare everything and we taught the law of chastity and everything. Then this past week weve been trying to see how they feel about it. Even though they hadnt decided to get married still they had their baptismal interviews because other than marriage they are ready. our district leader told us in her interview eloisa said she wanted to get married. But its Marcos who doesnt. He had a bad marriage when he was young and for whatever reason he is scared or has fear. And basically thats it. Eloisa wont really say it out loud to him that she wants to get married because he has fear and doesnt want to. It is literally so heartbreaking. We have talked to them about the blessing of marriage and everything and one of the things that is so sad is i can tell that satan is attacking him. Marcos struggled with depression in the past but ever since we have taught him he said he has had less depression and normally when we taught him he was so happy and making funny comments and super interested and positive, but every time we have talked about marriage there is just something different in his eyes and i can tell satan is attacking. The hardest part is there is literally nothing else we can do. They have had all of the lessons and its their decision now. This week i learned a lot about how our Heavenly Father feels when we make bad decision. Part of the Plan of Salvation is our free agency to choose. But it is heartbreaking. Sunday they didnt come to church either. They have meant so much to me, and only im praying for a miracle that marcos can feel something in his heart to tell him he can do it. Probably what makes me the most mad is nothing in their lives is going to change other than more blessings. Its one signiture that they need and their married and be baptized. Supposedly their baptism is this week...but doesnt look like it is going to happen. David Calderon didnt go to church this week because Albas mom is in the hospital because she has cancer and they had to go to santa ana on sunday. He still doesnt want to put a date for baptism because he doesnt want to say yes and then later have to tell us no if he isnt ready. But i know he is going to be baptized, he wants to and he always says he knows the church is true and all, just have to be patient with him. We are working with him to read the book of mormon more because he is always busy. But ill keep you updated with him. We also had an 18 year old who is friends with all the young men who has gone to church 3 times now and all of the activities for seminary and mutual. But the thing is he only goes to church to be with his friends. We tried teaching him a few times, but on sunday we had a lesson with him and he doesnt want to change his life or repent or read or yeah we arent really going to keep teaching him. Also Roberto who has the problems with drinking and the word of wisdom went to church again this week which is a miracle whenever he goes. Its really hard for him to give up his work on sunday to go to church, but slowly but surely he is making the efforts. He REALLY wants to change his life and he believes in everything. I have never heard prayers more sincere than his. I hope that we can see a miracle in his life and help him overcome his addictions and trials. Those are basically are main investigators. We have a few other new investigators this week im excited about who are really positive. But ill tell you about them later. This week we had the conference with Elder Cook on thursday and it was amazing!! Wow the spirit with him in the room was just great. Also it was amazing to be with all of the other missionaries from El Salvador. I saw lots from springville! I saw hermana ashlee ontiveros (michelles old roommate) and also Elder Payton Thorpe and Elder Alex Tarin and his companion is also from springvile Elder Bertelsen. It was good to talk to peeps from springville for a little. We didnt have hardly any time to talk to people but it was fun. Also I saw some people from the CCM like our roommates. It was awesome. Elder Cook talked a lot about how we are here for a reason and if any of us think that we would be better in some other place we are wrong. He talked about the hastening of the work and i dont know it was just so powerful to hear his testimony and also the blessing he left with us as missionaries. It was a really inspiring meeting and im so grateful for the opportunity I had to be there. Well this is the last week before cambios. Next wednesday we will probably have cambios. Haha again it is really really really likely we will have changes, but well see. I dont think ill know next monday but maybe ill know just depends. Im hoping I can see some miracles this week. I know the Lord is with me here and I am so grateful to be here. Also im so thankful for your prayers and also for all of the letters i have recieved, it means so much to me to receive letters even if it is just the christmas letters from all the family. Sounds like all is good at home and I always pray that it stays that way. Love you all so much! Hermana groneman

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