Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving week

Que rapido este semana! This week we had lots of great activities and that made this week fly by! I cant believe it.
So thursday was thanksgiving which was fabulous! We had a special multizona for thanksgiving where we wrote those letters home and presidente cordon shared some thoughts about gratitude. We also ate lunch there, it was good food, maybe not as great as at home, but it was similar to a thanksgiving meal so that was good. Also tell the Soters i received their letter on thanksgiving day so that was great! I loved the pictures especially that they sent. Tell them i love them so much and Im so thankful for their support. Also i got to see all of the other hermanas who came the same day as me, so naturally me and hermana garbett were super happy to see each other!
Then friday was absolutely amazing too. Cant even explain how great it was to go to the temple. Literally missionaries need a trip to the temple every once in a while. We went with our zone and another zone in vans. The car ride was fun and right when we got there and the car parked i heard someone call my name and it was sister peterson (the temple presidents wife) from her balcony and she let us go take pictures on their balcony with the temple. She is so sweet. Then we headed into the temple. Literally the moment i stepped inside i felt this great peace come over me. All of the stress i feel as a missionary just left my body. It was so nice to be in a clean and QUIET place finally. I dont know how many other times in my life i have felt the spirit as strong as that moment. The el Salvador temple is beautiful and it was so good to be able to do another session there. I cant wait to go again...even if it is another 6 months. I miss going every week. But yeah friday was absolutely fabulous. We ate lunch there at the temple and i bought some videos from the store there.
This week there was a change in climate. So last week was literally so hot i thought i was maybe going to die. I would put a wet cloth in the freezer and then put that on my neck throughout the day. But then this week it got way cooler. It felt like fall here. quite windy and at night kind of cold. It was a nice break from the heat and i hope it stays like this. The only thing is at night it is cold. Normally i dont like the freezing cold showers but i can atleast deal with it. But this week i wimped out at heated up some water for my showers haha. Also our casa....we had a few incidences with cockroaches this week haha so that was great. We have had a few small ones before but very small cockroaches. But this week we had huge cockroaches so it was a funny experience. Also my companion has joked with me this week and scared me in our casa at night and she has it on camera...its quite funny haha
Mom the lady who used to wash our clothes moved this last as of right now we are washing our own clothes...and The family trejo had their baby this week! Her name is Nayeli. the whole thing reminds me so much of adelyn. But anyways they are actually going to have someone who is going to cook for hna trejo so their cook is just going to cook for us too so all is well. I dont know who i will be skpying with yet. But hno trejo told me that last year the missionaries skyped so im sure all will be well...ill keep you updated on that.
So this week has been good, but our investigators havent really been keeping their commietments and its so frustrating. They arent actually praying to know if this church is true. and they arent coming to church. On sunday we went to pick up william because he told us he would come. We went to his house a little early and he said Yeah im going to come! and we said okay we are going to talk to some more people and we will come pass for you in like 15 minutes when you are ready and he said okay! and then when we came back he wasnt there. It was horrible. I was so mad. But what can you do.
Its frustrating when you really want to be a good missionary but you dont have the abliities. I know that if i work hard God will help me. i just want to be a better teacher. I feel like im not very clear when i teach (mostly because of my spanish) and because of my spanish and my teaching skills i feel like i dont feel the spirit very much when i teach. I want to teach with the spirit because I know with all my heart these things are true and i want the people here to feel the same. Ive just been praying to have the spirit more and for help with my spanish. This week i have been a little frustrated with my spanish. I felt good about my spanish when i first got here, because i feel like it was good for the time i had here, but right now i feel like i havent improved that much...but i dont know. And its just so frustrating when you want to help people and you want to listen to their concerns and challenges in their lives, but you cant understand them. But im just trying to be patient and i know if i am diligent and work hard and obedient God will bless me. I am only an instrument in his hands.
I hope all is well at home. Im glad you all enjoyed thanksgiving and im excited that you are getting all of the christmas stuff up. It doesnt even feel like christmas to me cause there is no snow haha. But all the people here are decorating so that is great. Question...i am supposed to open up your packages when i get them because the stuff is wrapped right? Also im sorry to say but im not going to be sending presents to you guys cause they dont have like packages or boxes to send really. im going to send an envelope with letters for all of you though. I love you all so i hope you arent disappointed, but i will bring you all home stuff haha. Hopefully i can get the letters off ot you time. I literally have no time to do anything.

Well thats all for this week! Cambios are shorter this month so next week i might know if im going to have cambios or not!
Love you all! Cant believe its december!
Hermana Groneman